Ed Simon

Ed Simon is the associate editor of the Marginalia Review of Books, a channel of the Los Angeles Review of Books. He holds a PhD in English from Lehigh University, where he specialized in seventeenth-century religion and literature. Regularly published at a number of different sites, he can be followed at his website, or on Twitter @WithEdSimon.

Recent Posts by Ed

Ben Wildflower's Magnificat

Our Daily Bread and Roses – An Interview with Ben Wildflower

About three or four years ago, I began to see a strange, arresting, and beautiful image circulate among some of my Twitter and Facebook friends—a stark white and black agit-prop expressivist engraving of the Virgin Mary with a defiant fist raised in the air while she stomps on a twisted Satanic serpent, encircled by a cartouche inscribed with a variation from the Magnificat.

For Christ Was Born in a Refugee Camp

An icon must be thought of as a divine portal in its own right, charged with the transcendent. That makes it all the more powerful when an icon explicitly condemns a contemporary injustice.

Transit of Shadow: On Eclipses

Totally predictable, yet totally magical.

Speaking in Tongues of Fire

Glossolalia–not just for Pentecost anymore.

Remember That the Devil Is Quite A Gentleman

There’s a long history of calling people the devil. It doesn’t usually turn out well.

The Page To Damascus

Not all conversions come with a big shiny light.

Scripture For A Dead God

Celebrating 160 years of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass.