
musings, news, events, and your letters to the editors

Killing the Buddha

Win Bassett on the Blog Train

A literary blog train started by @bethkepler which has stopped by (in succession) @melissaduclos, @modmyth, @kayaoakes @otherspoon and @marykvalle has lumbered up to newly minted Buddha-killer Win Bassett’s station. What…


Cannabis Jesus

Recently I had the opportunity to venture up to Vancouver, WA for a media preview tour of Farmer Tom’s Organic Cannabis Farm (Vancouver, WA), conducted in partnership with Kush Tourism.…

Killing the Buddha

St. John Paul II’s Blood Books East Coast Tour

Great news, first-class relic lovers! A small Vial of St. John Paul II’s Blood is going on tour this summer! It will hit Boston, NY, Philly and Baltimore. I have…

Killing the Buddha

Saint Frances and the Minimum Wage

What does Saint Francis have to do with Seattle Mayor Ed Murray’s proposal to raise the city’s minimum wage from $9.32 to $15 an hour? Other than befriending and becoming…

God's Daughters stills from Documentary film.
Diane praying with a member of a Holy Wisdom community after giving her communion in her home.

Q & A with Luc Novovitch, Director of God’s Daughters

Diane prays with a member of the Holy Wisdom community after giving her communion in her home. Roman Catholic Womenpriests have been in the news a lot lately. Even though…

Jesus' disciplines line up two by two.

The Opposite of Portlandia

If you fantasize about moving to a Portlandia utopia, a quick trek over Memorial Day Weekend to the Oaks Amusement Park will quickly bring you back to reality.  Here one…

Killing the Buddha

Behind the Scenes at KtB

I am honored to be tagged in my very first “blog train,” thanks to the awesome Melissa Duclos, my grad-school colleague and writer-editor extraordinaire, whose latest venture, The Clovers Project,…

Killing the Buddha

Apocalypse, Later

We don’t always celebrate the anniversaries of non-events, but here at KtB we thought we’d call your attention to the fact that we have now survived Harold Camping’s non-end-of-the-world, predicted…


An Interview with Jesus

If you are religion-y and hang out on Twitter, you may have encountered @JesusofNaz316, a self-described “carpenter who hangs out with fishermen, alcoholics, and prostitutes.” There are quite a few…

Actual Pitchfork Media

The Devil’s News

The devil has been in the news lately. As usual. This isn’t a rash of Satan-related news; Satan stories come in a steady flow of lava from hell, sometimes slower,…

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Inequality is Only Inequality When We Say It Is

Papa Francesco recently Tweeted some good words: “Inequality is the root of all social evil.”  The Pope has said a lot for economic parity and against futile materialism and power-grubbing,…

Killing the Buddha

The Praying Habit: Final Week

After four weeks of experiencing other faith traditions’ prayer texts and rituals, switching back to praying however I wanted was an unexpectedly dramatic shift. While I didn’t struggle as much…


Mystics Wanted. Apply at #mystex

In Barbara Ehrenriech’s new book Living With a Wild God, she discusses a mystical experience she had as a teenager that affected the rest of her life in unexpected ways.…

Art by Josephine Ferorelli

Thank You, Zadie Smith

Beginning this summer and escalating through the winter, as I spend more of my waking hours reading, writing, and talking with people about the climate crisis, I have become insatiably…

rainbow man

KtB Religion News Roundup

The AV Club reports that, what with Captain America taking over the box office from Noah, comic books have reasserted themselves as “America’s favorite religion.” Let’s look at the numbers:…


Anarchy in My Fond Feelings for Jesus Christ Superstar

What would it take to make me not want to see a touring production of Jesus Christ Superstar in the summertime? This. Thoughts and Prayers, people, that I am not…

Killing the Buddha

The Praying Habit: Jewish Week!

I think I chose to attempt Jewish prayer my last week of this project because I subconsciously hoped it would be the most spiritually rewarding. I should have known better.…

Killing the Buddha

Told You So

As generally skeptical types, we Buddha-killers don’t like to claim victory over the forces of dogma and oversimplification very often. The very act of our title is, after all, in…