From the frontlines
The Choice is Yours
How would William James rate on a Scientology E-meter? An excerpt from the new book, The Devil is a Gentleman.
Searching for Sufis
When you look for mystics in a war-torn land, you might find them hiding right in front of you.
Brand Name Buddhism
For Tet, the Vietnamese New Year, it’s alright to get a little dirty, so long as you know which detergent will get your karma clean.
The Singing, Not the Song
In which a godless music fan comes dangerously close to having a religious experience.
Baba, Baba, Everywhere!
God is a Dickhead — conclusive proof from Killing the Buddha: A Heretic’s Bible.
Prime Time in Kampala
American-trained evangelicals can be seen preaching everywhere in Africa, even poolside.