501(c)(3) Campaign Ends with Stunning Success

What Mammon from Collin de Plancys Dictionnaire Infernal looks like when borrowed from Wikipedia

For the past week, we’ve been urging your generosity for our 501(c)(3) Campaign, and the response has been truly gratifying. KtB readers, long-time and short-time alike, stood up and supported our Buddha-killing and our community. It has been a good run, but only a week into it, we have no choice but to end the campaign. Why? A single $5,000 gift from an anonymous donor has satisfied all of our 501(c)(3) needs.

This gift, of course, is only the beginning. None of it goes to cover the day-to-day operating costs of KtB, and if it did, it wouldn’t last long. But the donor intends it to be an encouragement for future fundraising efforts as we work toward a Killing the Buddha that’s both sustainable and bursting with new projects. This person has set an example for others to follow, in whatever amount they’re able to offer. We’re counting on the ongoing support of our loyal readers to stay alive and free for the world. Buy our books! And our gear! Or make a straight-up donation today!

We’re incredibly grateful for all who took part in the 501(c)(3) Campaign, and you should be too. They’re the ones who make all of this possible. With the help, of course, of your preferred metaphysical Ground of Our Being.