Comedy for Religious Freedom

Those of you in New York this week might want to check out the “Stand Up For Religious Freedom” event this Monday night at Comix. Scheduled to appear are Aasif Mandvi, Wyatt Cenac, John Oliver, Todd Barry, and more. If the “Team Mohammed vs. Team Jesus” Daily Show sketches can serve as a preview, count me in.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Extremist Makeover – Team Mohammed vs. Team Jesus
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

All proceeds go towards flood relief efforts in Pakistan. For more information, click here.

For those Daily Show fans that can’t make it, may I suggest tuning in to NPR’s Fresh Air on Monday? Terry Gross will be airing the interview she conducted with Jon Stewart Wednesday night at the 92nd Street Y (or, as Stewart put it, “the third holiest site in the Jewish religion”). I had the privilege of being an audience member that night, so I can tell you the interview will cover religious topics, including Stewart’s struggles with religion, his bar mitzvah (which he spent on crutches after attempting to play basketball while skateboarding), and the challenges of finding a gospel choir willing to to sing “go fuck yourself” on national television.

Jessica Miller graduated from Barnard College in 2009 with a BA in religion, and is psyched to finally have an answer to the question, “so what does one do with a religion major?” Her writing has appeared on Jewcy, Mashable, and the Huffington Post.  In her spare time she can be found sailing, playing music, and blogging about boomerangs.