Frank Schaeffer & KtB in NYC on November 5th

Frank SchaefferNobody knows better than Frank Schaeffer what he’s up against. Together with his father Francis, he was one of the architects of the modern conservative evangelical movement, and he has lived to tell the tale. On November 5th at Lolita Bar in New York City, he will read from his new book, Patience with God, a celebration of the wide middle ground between fundamentalist religion and the new strident atheism, in an evening sponsored by Killing the Buddha.

As someone who has known personally some of the last half-century’s greatest religious power brokers, Schaeffer pulls no punches. “He names names but is an equal opportunity assailant,” writes Donna Chavez in her review of Patience with God in Booklist. The book, published by Da Capo, appears on shelves this month. You can read an excerpt from it here on KtB: “Spaceship Jesus Will Come Back and Whisk Us Away.”

Before and after the reading, join us for drinks and Buddha-killing mingling.

Here are the details:

Thursday, November 5th, 2009
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Lolita Bar
266 Broome Street, New York, NY

Tell us you’re coming via Facebook.