Heretical Hanukkah Party
In a preemptive move, one night before the real Festival of Lights begins, Killing the Buddha is trying its hand at Hanukkah—which itself, of course, is a preemptive Jewish conspiracy against Christmas. The event, at Gallery Bar in Lower Manhattan on December 10th, will celebrate Peter Manseau’s trifecta win of recent Jewish book awards—the National Jewish Book Award, the ALA Medal for Jewish Literature, and the Ribalow Prize for Jewish Fiction—for his novel Songs for the Butcher’s Daughter, certainly the only book by the son of a Catholic priest and nun so honored.
The evening will include a reading by Mr. Manseau, introduced by his Killing the Buddha co-founder Jeff Sharlet. Those who come can expect to enjoy more Buddha-killing surprises, a well-stocked bar, as well as the spectacle of a bunch of half-Jews trying to remember the prayers for lighting the menorah. The novelist George Dawes Green has selected the event as a featured pick in Time Out New York.
Thursday, December 10th, 2009
7 pm – 9:30 pm
Gallery Bar, 120 Orchard Street, New York, NY