Keepin’ It Cool
Last week, I got all righteous and asked you to get off your fanny and do something about climate change. Today’s the day. has helped orchestrate something like 5,000 events from the Maldives to Mississippi as part of a Global Day of Climate Action. Up here at the Blue Mountain Center, we created an ice sculpture and proceeded to melt it in front of a flaming carbon-spewing fire. The final resulting video is the time lapse image in reverse. Keep the flames down. Bring the ice back. Aim for 350 — the quantity of carbon dioxide in parts per million that our atmosphere can handle before being significantly altered. We’re at 386 now. Check out the one-minute video and get the catchy tune stuck in your head, and then wander around and check out all the other, ahem, cool stuff that’s happening all around the globe.
Meera Subramanian is an editor of Killing the Buddha and writes about the environment and culture for Nature, InsideClimate News, Virginia Quarterly Review, Orion, and others. Her first book is A River Runs Again: A Natural History of India from the Barren Cliffs of Rajasthan to the Farmlands of Karnataka (PublicAffairs, 2015). Visit her at