Klingenschmitt’s Revenge
My cover story for the May Harper’s, “Jesus Killed Mohammed” — subscription only, but an exclusive excerpt is available here on KtB and the hard copy’s on the newsstand tomorrow — has been Gawkerized, thanks to this heartwarming public prayer about one of the story’s subjects, Mikey Weinstein, by former Navy chaplain Gordon “Chaps” Klingondick:
Let us pray. Almighty God, today we pray imprecatory prayers from Psalm 109 against the enemies of religious liberty, including Barry Lynn and Mikey Weinstein, who issued press releases this week attacking me personally. God, do not remain silent, for wicked men surround us and tell lies about us. We bless them, but they curse us. Therefore find them guilty, not me. Let their days be few, and replace them with Godly people. Plunder their fields, and seize their assets. Cut off their descendants, and remember their sins, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
To plunder Mikey’s fields — or, better yet, chip in some assets to his fight — write him via the website of his Military Religious Freedom Foundation.
Jeff Sharlet is a founding editor of Killing the Buddha, coauthor with Peter Manseau of Killing the Buddha: A Heretic's Bible (2004) and co-editor of Believer, Beware (2009). Sharlet is also the author of Sweet Heaven When I Die, (2011), C Street, (2010), and the New York Times bestseller The Family (2008).