KtB Radio
I’ve been doing a lot of media in response to my May Harper’s feature, “Jesus Killed Mohammed,” available to subscribers at Harper’s and excerpted here on Killing the Buddha. Today I’ll be discussing the fundamentalist front within America’s armed forces with Scott Horton, on Antiwar Radio, out of Austin, Texas, at 3:30 eastern time.
At 8 pm eastern this evening, I’ll be a guest on the Phoenix, Arizona “Jeff Farias Show,” which you can listen to here, if you feel so inclined.
Wednesday at 3 pm I’ll talk with Annie Laurie Gaylor, host of Freethought Radio.
And on Thursday, on Air America stations everywhere, I’ll be talking with Ron Reagan.
Last week, I joined one of the subjects of the story, Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, on television program Democracy Now! You can see the segment, which includes the video footage of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan preparing to distribute Bibles in Pashto and Dari, here.
Jeff Sharlet is a founding editor of Killing the Buddha, coauthor with Peter Manseau of Killing the Buddha: A Heretic's Bible (2004) and co-editor of Believer, Beware (2009). Sharlet is also the author of Sweet Heaven When I Die, (2011), C Street, (2010), and the New York Times bestseller The Family (2008).