“One of the Shrewdest Commentators on Religion’s Underexplored Realms”
Killing the Buddha: We bring good people together. In today’s Boston Globe, recent KtB contributor Brook Wilensky-Lanford, author of the amazing new book Paradise Lust: Searching for the Garden of Eden, reviews Sweet Heaven When I Die: Faith, Faithlessness, and the Country In Between, a “remarkable new collection of literary journalism” by KtB mothball Jeff Sharlet. “Taken together,” writes Wilensky-Lanford, “these essays begin to give shape to a multifaceted America that is so much more than east and west, left and right, religious and secular. And there’s no better guide to this ‘country in between.’”
And in today’s Washington Post, writer Michael Washburn reaches an even stronger verdict on Sweet Heaven When I Die:
Jeff Sharlet delivers a fine dose of thoughtful skepticism in “Sweet Heaven When I Die,” his collection of 13 trenchant essays on how we gain, lose, maintain and blindly accept faith. The book belongs to the tradition of long-form, narrative journalism best exemplified by writers such as Joan Didion, John McPhee, Norman Mailer and Sharlet’s contemporary David Samuels. Sharlet deserves a place alongside such masters, for he has emerged as a master investigative stylist and one of the shrewdest commentators on religion’s underexplored realms.
Read all about in The Washington Post. Or The Boston Globe. Or hell, just go buy the book, already.