Reader Mail

“Good evening, I had not thought of the Louvin Brothers in a long time. Not that they had gone anywhere, I had. I started to review their song list and immediately grabbed a pen and started to write the words to “Praying,” “River of Jordan” and “Last Chance to Pray,” etc. You see I used to sing these songs in Church, that was before I turned my back on the Church. My girlfriend and I sang harmony… sounded a lot like them at that time. Always sang the altar call. Baptist Church, of course. I have seen every member of the Church in the altar when we sang “Last Chance to Pray.” I also saw my Dad have to leave the Church house and pace the yard as we sang. That was a long time ago. I gave up my voice to smoking. Now I have quit smoking and well who knows? Maybe I could sing again… I remember when Charlie died. I thought it was terrible for him to be an alcoholic, now I know it an illness. Just wanted to voice the emotions I felt today as I read about these wonderful brothers. I could never forget them. God Bless Ira and family. I know God has already Blessed Charlie. I am Opal”

For you, Opal: see it on YouTube