Telling Trans Stories

While reporting on trans issues, a friend connected me with Shay Kearns (aka Anarchist Reverend). In my email exchanges with this seminary graduate (M.Div from Union Theological Seminary in New York, NY), I found myself drawn to his exploration of a new way forward for queer theology; one that isn’t focused on apologetics but instead is interested in making queer experience central to the conversation and allowing queer experience to inform and enlighten the rest of the church.

Those interested in similar explorations of a queer theology that embraces all within the LGBT spectrum can delve into Shay’s story in this podcast with the Iconocast, a collaborative podcast that espouses Christianity from an anarchist perspective.

Becky Garrison is a satirist/storyteller whose most recent book is Roger Williams’s Little Book of Virtues (Wipf & Stock, March 2020). Also, she edited Love, Always: Partners of Trans People on Intimacy, Challenge and Resilience (Transgress Press, 2015). Her six books include 2006’s Red and Blue God, Black and Blue Church (PW, starred review).