The Vatican: Hip to the Simpsons
Dear Vatican,
There’s a class at my local Learning Annex I think might be interesting for all your holinesses? It’s called “A Crash Course in Not Seeming Desperate.” No, you’re not desperate. But people might think Holy Newpaper’s forays into hot pop-culture topics as Harry Potter and the Simpsons are, well, a little too contemporary or something. A little un-Catholic, perhaps? Like, maybe you all should just stick to what you do best? Bulls? Proclamations? Dogma? I enclosed the catalog ’cause I know the internet is a little confusing to y’all (Sorry, Fr. Rocco, but you call me like 20 times a day. From Rome. “What is this three-digit code?” “What is this RSS?” “Why won’t it let me enter the pass… what is it?”
I can drop you all off at the Community Center if you need a ride.
Pax vobiscum,
Mary Valle lives in Baltimore and is the author of Cancer Doesn't Give a Shit About Your Stupid Attitude: Reflections on Cancer and Catholicism. She blogs on KtB as The Communicant. For more Mary, check out her blog or follow her on Twitter.