What’s Your Calling?

If someone were to ask you what your calling was, what would you say? The facial expressions in the first ten seconds of this say it all:

What’s Your Calling? is an online documentary project that exposes people and their passions, from the religious to the secular, and the profound to the mundane. It was inspired by the two-part documentary series The Calling, part two of which will air tonight at 9pm ET on PBS. The film follows seven men and women who are about to become spiritual leaders in the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities. While part one seems to have been more introductory, featuring scenes of these seminary students in non-spiritual contexts (playing basketball, getting tattoos, etc.), part two is slated to get gritty as we further witness the subjects’ growth into their roles. Watch the trailer below:

Jessica Miller graduated from Barnard College in 2009 with a BA in religion, and is psyched to finally have an answer to the question, “so what does one do with a religion major?” Her writing has appeared on Jewcy, Mashable, and the Huffington Post.  In her spare time she can be found sailing, playing music, and blogging about boomerangs.