Restless and bored of small-town life on the Texas border, Lucy Astrid gets on a train headed south in search of the Tierra del Volcán Rodeo and Bucky the Kid Cowboy. When she arrives, she finds the Kid Cowboy preparing for his rodeo performance, a volcano on the verge of eruption, an indigenous culture gone commercial, and the local prophet—Isaiah—headlining at the ranch tavern for tourists.
This passage is an excerpt from Danica Novgorodoff’s first graphic novel, Neck of the Moon, which she made while living in Ecuador near the volcano Cotopaxi, which is often translated from the indigenous language to mean “Neck of the Moon.”
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Danica Novgorodoff is a painter, comic book artist, writer, graphic designer and horse wrangler from Kentucky who currently lives in Brooklyn, NY. She received her B.A. from Yale University in 2002. Her comic A Late Freeze (2006) won the Isotope Award and was nominated for an Eisner Award, and her graphic novels Slow Storm (2008) and Refresh, Refresh (2009) were published by First Second Books.