
Killing the Buddha is your independent online home for great writing from the margins of faith, written by and for questioners since 2000. Support our boisterous band of Buddha-killers by becoming a member with a regular donation to our parent organization, Margins of Faith, Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax-deductible.

There is a begging bowl, held in humility. There is a basket, passed down the pew. There is a guitar case, propped open on a subway platform, as the music plays on.

Killing the Buddha is brought to you because we just can't help ourselves. It has died multiple deaths, and yet, still, prevails. If you, too, are obsessed with humans and our beliefs, in all their irreverent and unorganized glory, please consider making a recurring donation.

Buddhist boy in Burma
photo by photsadhu on Flickr

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Katherine Tranquada, Margaret K. Parry, Susan Myers, Beau McDermott, Henry Lanford, Joan Flynn, Matthew P. Saul, Brook Wilensky-Lanford, Briallen Hopper, Tracy Young, James Underwood, Elizabeth Alton, Eric Scott, Brian Heron, William Allred, Kathryn J. Townsend, Pat O'Hara.