

White People Problems

A Time For Burning after Ferguson.

Photo by Verónica Capriglioni.

Over the Rainbow

Gay Argentinians’ views on marriage, legal or not, are still shaped by forces beyond their control.

At the edge of the West Bank village of Faqqua, an Israeli soldier watches from the other side of the Green Line. Photo by Bryan MacCormack of Left in Focus.

The Hourglass

What I learned about empire in the West Bank.

Occupy Catholics art by KtB's Communicant, Mary Valle.

No Revolution Without Religion

Why the Occupy movement needs to Occupy faith.

Rev. Sekou preaching at KtB's Tin Anniversary Spectacular in 2010. Photo by Aslan Chalom.

Call Received

An interview with Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou.

Killing the Buddha

OWS Library Update

Back in November of 2011, an epic act of state occurred in New York City—the seizure and destruction of the OWS library. More seizures ensued. The library reappeared on the…


Some Great Cause, God’s New Messiah

Early this past summer, I came across a certain quotation opening an essay by Mary Elizabeth King—now a columnist for Waging Nonviolence and a friend. This was right about the…

Killing the Buddha

Killing Celebrity Buddhas at Occupied Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street’s Liberty Plaza has become pretty much the place for self-styled progressive celebrities and politicians to appear. On the one hand, these visits are greatly appreciated by the occupiers…

Killing the Buddha

Repent, Ye Wall Street

I do not normally look forward to Yom Kippur. It has always been, for me, a somewhat dutiful holiday, whereby the moral struggles of everyday life, as if they didn’t…

In Washington Square Park in New York's Greenwich Village. Photo by author.

Tahrir on Wall Street

Revolutionaries young and old plan to bring the spirit of 2011 back to the U.S.

Killing the Buddha

Egypt For Everybody

Immediately following the Egyptian revolution, my friend Greg Berger, a filmmaker, and journalist Al Giordano, of Narco News, went to Cairo to make a series of short videos with the…

Protest in conjunction with the American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, by dbking, via Flickr.


A father assuages his post-circumcision conscience.

Screening Room.

Mobilize and Contemplate

What’s spiritually at stake in The Tree of Life?


Reverend Billy’s Church of Earthalujah!

I just got a note from

Qunice Mountain in the Madison Capitol.

Q Reports Live from Madison

Our very own Senior Editor Quince Mountain is, as we blog-speak, in the occupied Capitol building of Madison, Wisconsin. Over the course of yesterday, he and I had an extended…


Revolution Is What You Do

It’s a happy day when good ideas—and the people who create them—get their due. Today was one of those days. Thanks in large part to The New York Times‘s feature…

Bridge in Cairo, January 28, 2011. Photo by Timothy Kaldas.


Hope, apprehension, and the revolution in Egypt.

Killing the Buddha

Killing the Buddha in Cairo

Anthony Shadid, in The New York Times: Tens of thousands of protesters who have reimagined the very notion of citizenship in a tumultuous week of defiance proclaimed with sticks, home-made bombs…