
Image of bubbles beneath the blue-green water with a misty blue sky above


The still surface lifted by morning fog
as if a bed sheet
that I’m beneath, in the silt, hair reaching,
skin frog-throat white


Baptisms for the Dead

When is a choice not a choice?

Anna Vesta Rogers

Immersion Therapy

A second, Cambodian baptism.

Wikimedia Commons

Heresy at Gethsemane

I found myself at the foot of an olive tree, my body folding into a crouch.

Clouds and light facing west down the Beagle Channel. Photo by author.

The End of the Earth

Bringing the gospel where it isn’t really wanted.

By ashley.adcox via Flickr

Silver Trumpets

The rise and fall of a cussin’ campus Christian rock star.

Icon of Saint Simeon the One-Eyed Tanner

Wayward Sheep

More schooled than churched, she wanted to try dying to the self, to grope for the Spirit under the water, and come up in grace. It was more awkward than that.

The World Trade Center, September 11, 2001

The Beginning, or the End?

After 9-11, nothing will be the same — including one mother’s faith.


Winter of My Disbelief

Baptized in the blood of the lamb, the author smells only the sweet scent of chlorine.