

Two Poems by Joe Gross

of loaves
just means
one loaf
two people.



On Peter Toscano’s “Transfigurations: Transgressing Gender In the Bible”.


Religious Baggage

An excerpt from Ashley’s new e-book You Were Strangers: Dispatches from Exile

In bloom peach tree orchard in western Colorado.


A drama in three vignettes.

Killing the Buddha

Cowboy for Christ

Gender-bending love at Bible camp. From Believer, Beware, now available as an e-book!


Yemen, Starting Over

Shem begins working again, laying the foundations for the city that today we call Sana’a.

"A poverty that would keep us free."

Beware of Christmas Stories

Alternet has a sobering followup to the heartwarming story about the NY City policeman who gave the homeless man a pair of boots. As reported in the New York Times,…


The Year of the Bi-i-ble

Good News! The Pennsylvania Legislature just declared 2012 the Year of the Bible.  Since they didn’t specify exactly which Bible, as in the “King James Bible Heritage Month” resolution from…

Photo courtesy of Bradford Daly.

Strangers In The Bible Belt and The Holy Land

Immigration legislation in Alabama and Israel.

William Stringfellow.


New from Frequencies: William Stringfellow and the God of law school.

Coming out this August!

An American Eden, Dead on the Fourth of July

Greetings, fellow Americans. I’d like to pay tribute to a little-known patriot who died on the fourth of July, 30 years ago. Although it’s not as exciting as being Born…

Harold Camping.

The Man Behind Judgment Day

An interview with Harold Camping, predictor of the end of the world.

Tom Evans. Photo by author.

Dead-End Job

Meet the publicist for the May 21st apocalypse.

Banned Questions about the Bible

Ban This, Bible!

Buddha killer Becky Garrison is one of the dozen contributors to Banned Questions about the Bible, a book that discusses 50 questions your Sunday school teachers were afraid to answer.…

Refugee seder.

A Refugee Passover in Israel

From strangers in the land of Egypt to infiltrators in Zion.


Lent: Season of Our Hypocrisy

From to-do lists to angels in the wilderness.

The Holy Bible, King James style.

Richard Dawkins Loves the Bible

Richard Dawkins, the supposedly angry New Atheist constantly accused of knowing nothing about the religion he rails against, couldn’t even wait until January 1st to celebrate the 400th anniversary of…

Dead Sea Scrolls

Confessions of a Dead Sea Scrolls Groupie

At the age of nine, I fell into a into a life of preteen crime by stealing Tiger Beats to feed my David Cassidy fix. After outgrowing The Partridge Family, I…