
"School is a fluid society… It can be no more than what we want it to be."

A Truancy Officer’s Tale

Jesus says kids had better stay in school—or he’ll send Robert Milner to bust their asses.

Smells Like Christian Spirit

The Young and the Angstless

A new book about GenX Christians shows just how god-damned happy they really are.


Amos Awake

Reading the book he’ll never write.

Killing the Buddha

I Ate Dirt

With a little bit of God mixed in, even dirt tastes good.

Klaus Kinski in "Marquis de Sade: Justine"

The Marquis de Sade and St. Valentine

The Marquis de Sade, sexual liberator or sexual deviant? And St. Valentine, patron saint of lovers and the original international man of mystery.

Caravaggio: The Sacrifice of Isaac (Detail)

Bunnies, Ducks, and One Great Dane

How Kierkegaard stole my faith.


Carolina Miracle Shack

What does a miracle look like? Three opinions, as revealed in Henderson, North Carolina.

Church and Cemetery on Rt. 11

The Shenandoah Sutra

Crossing the Mason-Dixon to tour the battlefields and bathrooms that have shaped the nation’s soul.


Hold the Fig Leaves

Of grumbling shepherds, forgotten fig leaves and God’s dirty veins.


Charles Keating and St. Cecelia

Charles Keating, one of the masterminds behind the Savings & Loan rip-off of the 1980s, and St. Cecelia, patroness of musicians.

The World Trade Center, September 11, 2001

The Beginning, or the End?

After 9-11, nothing will be the same — including one mother’s faith.

Works Project Administrative Bricklayer, courtesy of the WPA Archive

Do the Right Thing, Damn It

America’s leading theologian on laying bricks and taking the Lord’s name in vain.


God’s Big Hair

Regarding the Father, Son and Dolly Parton.


Winter of My Disbelief

Baptized in the blood of the lamb, the author smells only the sweet scent of chlorine.

"Hair 2001," by Jeremy Brothers for KtB

Among the Jesus Freaks

Sit-in, pray-in, sing-in, and be-in with the son of a preacher man and a camp of Christian acidheads.

Killing the Buddha

God’s Hors D’Oeuvres

Hot and healthy Christ Cookies do the body good.


Who Do You Love: The Gospel of Punk

Never mind the bollocks, here’s the Oblivians, evangelists of the holy party.

"Untitled" by Jeremy Brothers for KtB

Resisting the Invitation

So you’ve asked Christ into your heart… What if he has other plans?