
Binkley Memorial Church sanctuary with camera

God Bless and Be Well

What does church look like when the Baptists go online in a science town?

blue ridge mountains in springtime

Dispatches from Isolation, Vol. 1

Abandon most of your plans, except for the quiet house in the Blue Ridge Mountains, a promise of isolation that you desired before it was mandated.

an empty cracked egg with a downy feather attached

The Empty Tomb

How could we anticipate something so seemingly simple as peace, when something as violent as a virus is tearing through our lives, our traditions, our loves?

Cover of Albert Camus, The Plague, showing a photo of a man with a red plague mask drawn over his face.

Camus’ The Plague: Coronavirus Quotes

Do all you can to fight plague where you find it, and don’t forget to love: a selection of some of the most relevant quotes from Camus’ The Plague for a time of coronavirus.


It’s the End and Nothing Feels Fine

I don’t use the word “apocalypse” or “apocalyptic” lightly. I’m a scholar of bad endings. And the pandemic that we face right now feels like it could be a very bad ending.

KtB's default image surrounded by floating images of the coronavirus

The Times We’re Living In

Trying times are liminal times; they’re not meant to be a new normal. When we’re in one, we only know what came before and what we’re facing; we cannot know, yet, what comes next.