
Killing the Buddha

Apocalypse, Later

We don’t always celebrate the anniversaries of non-events, but here at KtB we thought we’d call your attention to the fact that we have now survived Harold Camping’s non-end-of-the-world, predicted…

Mass in Latin, yes, but outdoors? Hmm.

That’s Not the Priest From Rome, Surely?

Rugged scenery, Martin Sheen’s resplendent sideburns, inquiries into the nature of faith, Catholics has it all.

Killing the Buddha

Our Nixon?

As I recounted in Jesus Died for This?, “I joined in my parent’s artistic anarchy by writing a one act play that pretty much crucified Tricky Dick while setting up…


Many Sour Saints

Pope Francis has made some statements regarding Catholic moods lately—admonishing clergy for having “sad, long faces”  and saying “Buenos dias” to religious who may have psychiatric problems. Pope Francis has…

Chuck Lorre productions 126, Two And A Half Men

SxSW: Tell-A-Vision

South by Southwest (SXSW) Armed with a gold (film/interactive) press badge, Becky Garrison set out to explore the evolution of storytelling in this ever-evolving digital world. This week we’ll share…

by _cheryl, via flickr

The Eye of the Tiger

Life of Pi and the Orientalist mystique.

Killing the Buddha

From Iran With Love

The live-action film adaptation of Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel Chicken with Plums opens today  in New York (showtimes here) and August 31st in LA. The film may be set in Tehran…

Killing the Buddha

Out of the Box with Two Spirits

I caught a screening of the documentary Two Spirits while covering the 2012 Philadelphia TransHealth Conference. While the film focuses on the all too common story of yet another teen…


Crazy Wisdom

For those of you in New York City, our friends over at the ever-incredible Rubin Museum of Art are partnering with the Shambhala Meditation Center to present Crazy Wisdom, a film about…

H. P. Lovecraft. Image from The Los Angeles Times archives.

Dark Mysticism

H. P. Lovecraft as soulcraft.

Killing the Buddha

Following the Gospel of George

In talking about his new documentary George Harrison: Living in the Material World, director Martin Scorsese reflected on his personal encounter with George Harrison’s music: “I will never forget the first time…

Killing the Buddha

Egypt For Everybody

Immediately following the Egyptian revolution, my friend Greg Berger, a filmmaker, and journalist Al Giordano, of Narco News, went to Cairo to make a series of short videos with the…

"New Spirits"

Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t

Apparently it still sucks to be gay and evangelical.

From S. Brent Plate's essay, "Visualizing the Cosmos."

Malick’s Cosmos, Revisited

I love writing on Terrence Malick almost as much as I love his movies. As S. Brent Plate’s essay this week at KtB demonstrates, much can be gained by tapping at…

Still from The Tree of Life

Visualizing the Cosmos

Terrence Malick and an imaginary history of the universe.

Screening Room.

Mobilize and Contemplate

What’s spiritually at stake in The Tree of Life?

Loki from the movie "Thor."

The Trouble with Loki

Watching your gods become action heroes in the movie Thor.

Killing the Buddha

Hollywood Messes with Christianity, Too

In another letter about Eric Scott’s “Valhal-Mart,” Alexandra Erin writes: I really have to disagree with the contention near the end of Eric Scott’s posting “Valhal-Mart”. While it must be…