The Klan Never Ends
When Gospel According to the Klan was published in 2011, the reactions to the book surprised me at first. I had some white people, including scholars, tell me that the…
Not Weird Enough
According to the author of a new Catholic handbook, eucharistic adoration should be the new yoga.
Battle Flag
I’ve lived my entire life in the South, first Georgia and now North Carolina, but I’ve never paid much attention to the Confederate battle flag, the so-called stars and bars.…
Saint Frances and the Minimum Wage
What does Saint Francis have to do with Seattle Mayor Ed Murray’s proposal to raise the city’s minimum wage from $9.32 to $15 an hour? Other than befriending and becoming…
This Mutant Genre
The introduction to a new anthology Radiant Truths: Essential …. Essays on American Belief
The Day U.S. Evangelicalism Died
As reported in Religion Dispatches, on December 16th, 2012, U.S. evangelicalism uttered its last breath. On this day, Fox News pundit Mike Huckabee (a.k.a. Mr. “More Conversation, Less Confrontation”) joined…
Files from The Family: The Psychotic and the Spy
The other day I had lunch with a Presbyterian minister who had some minor but firsthand experience with elitist theology of the Family, the avant-garde of American fundamentalism that I’ve…