Our Daily Bread and Roses – An Interview with Ben Wildflower
About three or four years ago, I began to see a strange, arresting, and beautiful image circulate among some of my Twitter and Facebook friends—a stark white and black agit-prop expressivist engraving of the Virgin Mary with a defiant fist raised in the air while she stomps on a twisted Satanic serpent, encircled by a cartouche inscribed with a variation from the Magnificat.
All in the Interfaith Family
Susan Katz Miller talks about “how to be the most joyful and creative and successful interfaith family you can be, whatever that looks like.”
Strangers and Friends
A conversation with Ashley Makar and John Green, on the occasion of her new book, You Were Strangers.
Q & A with Luc Novovitch, Director of God’s Daughters
Diane prays with a member of the Holy Wisdom community after giving her communion in her home. Roman Catholic Womenpriests have been in the news a lot lately. Even though…
7 Habits of a Highly Effective Philosopher
Life lessons from the Christian apologist William Lane Craig.
Truth-Telling in Vulgaria
Questions for Kathryn Joyce, who bursts the international Christian adoption bubble in her new book, The Child Catchers.
Cornel West: Truth
A drive through Manhattan with a jazzman in the world of ideas crammed in the back seat.
Shattered Faith in Two Parts
Women victims are the latest to find a voice in the Catholic abuse scandal, but who will listen to their song?