

Religious Baggage

An excerpt from Ashley’s new e-book You Were Strangers: Dispatches from Exile

Killing the Buddha

The Praying Habit: Jewish Week!

I think I chose to attempt Jewish prayer my last week of this project because I subconsciously hoped it would be the most spiritually rewarding. I should have known better.…


On Not Leaving Kashmir

The boatman barely flicked his wrist, yet we moved forward in a terrifically straight line. How was he doing it?

by Richard Elzey, via Flickr

Public Education–An Expendable Farce?

The real story of the BDS episode at CUNY is the aftermath.

Modern Orthodox Jews from Long Island tour a West Bank settlement.

Israeli Settlers as Kitsch

Join Buddha-killer Kiera Feldman for a video screening at Brooklyn’s Union Docs on Sunday, January 27th at 7:30pm. It’s a two-part affair: Part I: Kiera presents a curated selection of…

Killing the Buddha

The GOP attack on Dems Jerusalem platform isn’t about the Jews…

It’s about Christians. In case you missed it, the Democratic Party dropped its longstanding insistence that Jerusalem is and will be the capital of Israel, despite the fact that most…

Photo by the authors.

The Other Protest

Not all the marches in Israel this month ignored the occupation.

Killing the Buddha

Israel’s Cottage Cheese Uprising

You’ve heard all about the Arab protests, and maybe even about the Spanish and Greek ones. But have you heard about the Israeli one? Like the Egyptian protests, the Israeli…

Life in Year One

Life in Year Now

A pilgrimage in 21st-century Palestine.


Elie Wiesel to Speak at Anti-Semitic Event

Activist Rachel Tabachnik writes: Tomorrow night (Sunday, Oct. 25) Elie Wiesel will be the keynote speaker at John Hagee’s Cornerstone Church for Christians United For Israel’s Night to Honor Israel.…

Killing the Buddha

Travel in the Holy Land a No Go

According to the US State Department’s travel warning for Israel, West Bank and Gaza  travelers to the Holy Land can be greet not with signs of peace but further travel…

sukisuki via Flickr

Christian, for All Intents and Purposes

Unpacking religious baggage in Jerusalem.

Bedouin Coffee

The Collector’s Lair, part 3

“I’m a real motherfucker,” he says. “But I won’t sell a fake.”


The Collector’s Lair, part 2

Finding a fix in the dust of the Holy Land.

Shlomo Moussaieff

The Collector’s Lair, part 1

An atheist descends into the underworld of the Israeli antiquities trade.

A day in the life of the Promised Land. Palestine travel poster, detail, 1898. From The Orientalist Poster, by Abderrahman Slaoui.

Letter from Israel

Of words and wounds in the Promised Land.