
Killing the Buddha

The Pope and Selfishness: Contradictions and Fictions

It was a record-scratching, “hold up, wait a minute” moment a few days ago when Pope Francis, who had just a couple of weeks back told Catholics that they don’t…


Waiting For Facts

The shakeup in Berkeley’s Catholic community.


God Recap: Guns, Trucks and Inhospitality

God’s been up to a lot of stuff lately. According to Retired Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, Jesus will return carrying an AR-15. Since the AR-15 is the most popular…

Killing the Buddha


When Shane Bitney Crone’s boyfriend of six years, Tom Bridegroom, died from a tragic accident, Bridegroom’s family prevented Shane from visiting his dying boyfriend in the hospital or even attending…

Killing the Buddha

Southern Baptist Sissies

For those like me who hail from the Bible bet, Southern Baptist Sissies serves as a painful reminder of a legacy that still lingers despite the passing of Jesse Helms,…

Killing the Buddha

When Pessimism Tramples Truth

Roger Scruton’s New York Times column “When Hope Tramples Truth” extols the virtues of pessimism by decrying the mindlessness of those endorsing marriage equality. But it turns out that being…

Killing the Buddha

Show Forth, Signs of the Spirit!

Instead of wearing purple today to commemorate Spirit Day, I tweeted this reflection: @Becky_Garrison  In honor of #spiritday, let’s stop w/ anti-bullying articles (See http://blog.sojo.net/2011/10/19/standing-up-to-bullies-on-spirit-day-what-would-jesus-do/) which don’t address anti-gay theology…