
Killing the Buddha

Baseball Literalism

There is a long and often ridiculous history of comparing baseball to a religion. Rule-bound, slow to change, cyclic, and timeless; an assembly of people presided over by men in funny…

Killing the Buddha

The Problem With Jerry Coyne

In case you missed this August’s issue of the biology journal Evolution, it’s worth taking a look for a grim, late-summer illustration of the state of science-religion dialogue in the…


Religion Island

Dawkins vs. Sri Lanka, and silence wins.

The Holy Bible, King James style.

Richard Dawkins Loves the Bible

Richard Dawkins, the supposedly angry New Atheist constantly accused of knowing nothing about the religion he rails against, couldn’t even wait until January 1st to celebrate the 400th anniversary of…

From the Godblock website.

What’s the Web without God?

We all wish we could block out some things we see on the internet. No matter how carefully you try to tailor a search query, you’ll often find yourself with…

"Each war is different, each war is the same," by kevindooley, via Flickr.

Vive la Différence

Stephen Prothero on why all religions aren’t, deep down, all the same.

"First God Sighting" by Leland Paul via Flickr

You Call That God?

Why Karen Armstrong’s Case for God isn’t one.


Can We Be “Good without God”?

A billboard erected near Chicago’s loop posses this question “Are you good without God?” with the answer, “Millions are.” Also, on Monday, October 26, 2009, Manhattan commuters will be greeted…