

Seeing Directly Through the Clouds

Chicago, Illinois.


Total Eclipse and The Meaning of Insufficient Meaning

Sedalia, Missouri.

Photograph by the author.

Silver Bells

Reading The Polar Express in the wake of mass shootings.


Sadness Is My Favorite

“Sadness touch my memories, Mama.” My two-year-old repeats this sentence like it’s his mantra. We’ve been watching Inside Out on heavy rotation at our house. He and his seven-year-old sister…

Photo by John St John via Flickr

Out For Coffee

The sociable beverage becomes a grief ritual.


Mother’s Day in North Carolina

An encounter between very different Baptists.

Killing the Buddha

The Pope and Selfishness: Contradictions and Fictions

It was a record-scratching, “hold up, wait a minute” moment a few days ago when Pope Francis, who had just a couple of weeks back told Catholics that they don’t…

"They said father didn't keep his Life Insurance paid up!"—advertisement for Prudential Insurance Company of America.

Truth-Telling in Vulgaria

Questions for Kathryn Joyce, who bursts the international Christian adoption bubble in her new book, The Child Catchers.

"shoot the bokeh (bokeh murder)"  by horizontal.integration via Flickr.


An exercise in recreational destruction.

Killing the Buddha

Love in Action, Except Not

For those who wonder how they can respond when they see Michele Bachmann’s husband and other ex-gay activists spewing hatred, the documentary This is Love in Action demonstrates what can happen when…

Scary postcard.

The Bad Old Days

A dear friend who was recently on a family vacation in Wisconsin went above and beyond the call of duty. Way beyond. When she returned, she presented me with a…

Protest in conjunction with the American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, by dbking, via Flickr.


A father assuages his post-circumcision conscience.

Detail of "Blood drainage," from the series "Sangre Menstrual" by gaelx, via Flickr.

Magic Menstrual Mummies

A boy discovers that there are right and wrong kinds of blood.

Geraldo Alfonso collage, from Gray Art and Raw Vision.

Ghosts in the Mirrors

The making of a Santero artist as an old man.

Hamlet skull.

Seven Pieces of Advice

What advice would you give your 18-year-old self? Or, for that matter, an actual 18-year-old? Alexa, very good old friend of mine, sent out an email recently that brought out…

The Communicant and her brother Tom suited up for another day of Catholic education.

Mother/Daughter Chat: Catholic School

“What was that kind of school you went to, Mom?” asked my seven-year-old daughter, Margaret, the other day. “Catholic, honey.” “And what were those things—those outfits?” “Uniforms?” “I’m glad I…

From Scott Clark, via Flickr.

I Laughed When I Saw Him, in Spite of Myself

Learning to lie to your kids.

"people-watching" by left-hand via flickr.

Transparent on High

A maggid’s psychic powers.