Christmas Poem
there is a man on a street corner with a sign that reads “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” my wife suggests we take up the opposite corner holding…
Ingrate Rejects Hajj Souvenirs
What the hell kind of souvenirs are these? Caftans? Prayer beads? Dates? I was hoping you’d bring me a t-shirt or a keychain or at the very least, a plastic…
Please Don’t Tell Me What Hell Is
Rusty trailers barbed wire fences polygamy/molesting (natch) child labor nutjob leader “heaven on earth?” @
Chuck Colson Talks Turkey
Youngsters, Things like the environment and hunger can wait. Or not. So we all starve to death or are drowned in tsunamis. Who cares? God doesn’t. What does God care…
Woof ‘n’ Worship
From the Private Journal of Rev. Tom Eggebeen— November the 22nd, year of our Lord 2009 Woof ‘n’ Worship! My wild fancy has taken root and grown, grown beyond my…
Youth Minister Discusses Catholic “Defectors”
In other words, the Mystical Body of Christ is the Hotel California @
Christian Community Lifestyle, Eh?
This new radio PSA says I should have my documents safe in case “something happens” and it kinda freaks me out @
Young and Hip!
Dear mainline Protestants, In the spirit of ecumenical sharing, here’s how you bring in the youngsters! (Believe me, these work) Guitars! Felt banners! Any and all of Ray Repp’s Mass…
Passing a Note to the Catholic Bishops
Your Excellencies, In the name of religious cooperation, I have this friend, Mr. Massoom. Anyway, he gives these little seminars to mullahs I think you might find kind of enlightening.…
The Bishop of Rome Likes Your Link
Mary K! LOL! Go to confession. What? It was only a joke! Your jokes wound the Lord, MK. Now. 🙂 @
Creep’s Health Declines in Custody
Dr. Berkman, Repeatedly kidnapping and raping girls sorta already made Tony Alamo (leader of Tony Alamo Christian Ministries) a “walking time bomb.” @
Priests in Space
Souls are souls, even extraterrestrial But please, dear Vatican astronomers, take a moment and read The Sparrow @