
The Naked Pastor, www.nakedpastor.com

The Day U.S. Evangelicalism Died

As reported in Religion Dispatches, on December 16th, 2012, U.S. evangelicalism uttered its last breath. On this day, Fox News pundit Mike Huckabee (a.k.a. Mr. “More Conversation, Less Confrontation”) joined…

William Stringfellow.


New from Frequencies: William Stringfellow and the God of law school.


Is SoJo a No-Go on LGBTQ Equality?

An online firestorm began over Mother’s Day weekend when the Rev. Robert Chase, founding director of Intersections, penned an article for Religion Dispatches documenting Sojourners’ rejection of an ad from…

"Turn Left" by manitoon via Flickr.

What’s Left?

Daniel Schultz parses a political theology.

Killing the Buddha

Whose Ink? Our Ink!

The question of who counts as the “religious left”—leave aside the matter of why we’re counting—is one that has vexed a great many journalists, leftists, and centrists of late. Daniel…


Waiting for Lefty

If the Religious Left is to lift, everyone counts — the soccer moms and sex workers, the cowboy preachers and radical faeries, and you.

Rush Limbaugh called the author’s book “highly portentous.”

Rush Likes It?

Do conservatives own God? One big fat idiot thinks so.