

A Murderer and a Saint

Father Junipero Serra, the missions, and me.

William Lane Craig, from his July 2013 email newsletter.

7 Habits of a Highly Effective Philosopher

Life lessons from the Christian apologist William Lane Craig.

Blessed John Henry Newman.

Blessed John Henry’s Religious Opinions

Saints are not literary men.


Coloring is Praying Thrice

I have trouble getting to sleep for a variety of reasons. Last night I’d exhausted all my options: the hot bath, the candle, the sex, the physician-prescribed benzos; this is…

Zelie Martin

Playing Through the Pain

Shelves don’t stay empty for long. The front of a nursing station is meant to be a wide-open vista where patients can perch (if need be) to ask a question,…

Fig. 1: The BP Oil Spill Memorial Lighting of the Empire State Building.

Some Other Empire State Rejectees

Controversy has erupted over the Empire State Building’s refusal to specially illuminate in honor of the centennial of Nobel Peace Prize winner Mother Teresa’s birth. No explanation was given. Consider…

A little nutzo, maybe?

Are Saints Sane?

Fordham University’s Center on Religion and Culture’s recent forum Religion & Madness: Spirituality & Pathology used the medium of theater to explore the connection between spirituality and mental illness. As…

Klaus Kinski in "Marquis de Sade: Justine"

The Marquis de Sade and St. Valentine

The Marquis de Sade, sexual liberator or sexual deviant? And St. Valentine, patron saint of lovers and the original international man of mystery.


Charles Keating and St. Cecelia

Charles Keating, one of the masterminds behind the Savings & Loan rip-off of the 1980s, and St. Cecelia, patroness of musicians.