The Day U.S. Evangelicalism Died
As reported in Religion Dispatches, on December 16th, 2012, U.S. evangelicalism uttered its last breath. On this day, Fox News pundit Mike Huckabee (a.k.a. Mr. “More Conversation, Less Confrontation”) joined…
Lake Comeagain
KtB’s devoted cryptozoologist and volunteer typesetter, David Lloyd Rabig, has been moonlighting as an archivist over at A Prairie Home Companion. The other day when we were waiting for our…
The Douthat Obsession
From the KtB inbox this morning: Dear Killing the Buddha, We have noticed some suspicious internet activity on the part of subject Mary Valle. We observed that she clicked on…
Pastor Jones: Some Other Combustibles
Dear Pastor Terry Jones, You’re all fired up about burning Qur’ans on 9/11. OK. We get that. But, at the last minute, perhaps you’ll reconsider your choice of fuel? Think…
Won’t Someone Think About the Parishioners?
A KtB reporter was on the streets when the news broke about Mel Gibson’s tirades. Our concern: his flock at his own Church of the Holy Family in Malibu. The…
He’s just a “regular guy” who, like so many of us, heads off for a new, exciting life in the Big Apple. So reads the plot sketch for a cartoon…
Secret Vatican Pie Chart Revealed
To: Fr. Cantalassa, Fr. Lombardi, Cardinal Bertone From: “Joe” Subject: Recent Annoyances If the questions persist, stick to the plan. Remember: clockwise around the pie, for our Lord most high.…
Ingrate Rejects Hajj Souvenirs
What the hell kind of souvenirs are these? Caftans? Prayer beads? Dates? I was hoping you’d bring me a t-shirt or a keychain or at the very least, a plastic…
Please Don’t Tell Me What Hell Is
Rusty trailers barbed wire fences polygamy/molesting (natch) child labor nutjob leader “heaven on earth?” @
Chuck Colson Talks Turkey
Youngsters, Things like the environment and hunger can wait. Or not. So we all starve to death or are drowned in tsunamis. Who cares? God doesn’t. What does God care…
Woof ‘n’ Worship
From the Private Journal of Rev. Tom Eggebeen— November the 22nd, year of our Lord 2009 Woof ‘n’ Worship! My wild fancy has taken root and grown, grown beyond my…
Youth Minister Discusses Catholic “Defectors”
In other words, the Mystical Body of Christ is the Hotel California @