
"They said father didn't keep his Life Insurance paid up!"—advertisement for Prudential Insurance Company of America.

Truth-Telling in Vulgaria

Questions for Kathryn Joyce, who bursts the international Christian adoption bubble in her new book, The Child Catchers.


Accidental Gods

“…it is impossible for human nature not always to love something.”

Screening Room.

Mobilize and Contemplate

What’s spiritually at stake in The Tree of Life?

Courtesy of the internet meme.

Cutting It Out

Watching movies with Mormons.

Killing the Buddha

“The famous, as we know, are nuts.”

Read “moving” and can’t get enough of Eileen Myles? Wanna know how to honor a dead poet and how to get hate mail that persists for a quarter century? (HINT:…

God may not have appeared to Mother Theresa, but He needs to promote His book.

“Jesus” for Sale

Cutting the Christian cheese at Book Expo America.

The Sagemont Church cross.

Everything Will Fall into Place

Remaking Houston, one giant cross at a time.


Heresy Is a Cradle

Anne Hutchinson’s “No in Thunder.”


Jesus Is Just Alright

A crack in Kevlar cynicism reveals a time of tripped out mysterium tremendum in Southern California. A new excerpt from the new KtB collection, Believer, Beware.


The Apocalypse is Always Now

The introduction to Believer, Beware: First-Person Dispatches from the Margins of Faith.

By Gurumustuk Singh via Flicker

Devotion Commotion

The ambivalent state of the acolyte.

Mansur al-Hallaj hanged and stoned.

How to Make a Martyr

When a death becomes larger than life, memory hangs in the balance.

Bible Porn

Bible Porn

Sometimes corrupting children is a religious duty.

"Adam and Eve Temptation 1," Oleg Maslov & Viktor Kouznetsov

Genesis, At Rest

When Adam and Eve fall, they fall hard.

"What makes this night different from every other night?"

Sabbath Queen

On Friday nights, God likes to watch.

Another heresy goes up in smoke

Burn This Book

Melvin Jules Bukiet is the worst writer alive.

Behind the Pulpit

Behind the Pulpit

“Are you talking to me?” and other tough-love questions from the Church.

“You will not wear upon yourself a garment made of two different kinds of materials.” -- Leviticus


Don’t blame Gap ads for the current trend in fashion. A look at the history of the Devil’s vogue.