
Killing the Buddha

Gayness Continues to Boggle Rome

In Catholics-coping-with-homosexuality news, an actual D.C. bishop-advising lawyer, Daniel Avila, who works “in the office that opposes the spread of same-sex marriage,” has indicted the “devil” “for same-sex attraction.” In print. In…


Your Reformation Day Blowout!

Did you know that October 31 is not only a great time to be a Catholic or Pagan, but also a very special day for Protestants? That’s right! October 31…


A Kinder, Gentler Apocalypse

Remember all the world-ending-on-May-21 hype earlier this year? Apparently God was playing more of his “I’m gonna pretend to high-five you, then pull my hand away at the last minute…

Scott's iPad.

Fan Art!

Blogging can be a lonely job. Sometimes I feel my words blowing through cyberspace like little pixellated tumbleweeds. Or I’ll be tweeting away, thinking “Why am I writing this stuff?…

Photo of Wellspring, in the diocese of Gaylord, MI.

The Latin Mass of My Dreams

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church “rejects both the liturgical and doctrinal changes of Vatican II in their entirety and without exception.” Indeed, there are other churches in the Louisville…

Photo by Dale Prince.

Holy Haulers, Baltimore!

Baltimore is the land of a million amateur haulers. The streets are teeming with old trucks hand-painted with phone numbers and offers to haul anything—telephone poles always have handwritten ads…

Bachmann Bucks

Use the Right Prop, Michelle

Governor Perry, I’ve got more ideas for you, but I gotta talk to Mrs. Bachmann for a few minutes. Michelle: the “$2 gas” idea is great. Nice use of a Wal-Mart-i-an…

Human Food. Illustration by Mary Valle.

Helping Rick Perry Help Himself

Rick Perry’s recent 30,000 strong prayer meeting was dwarfed by a similar event the same day—seven miles away in Texas, 100,000 people showed up for a free back-to-school event where…

Some other answers.

Religion: ___

Once July 15 passes, it’s all back-to-school displays in the megastores and reenrollment paperwork/digital forms/paying of tuition tout de suite. It still makes my stomach hurt. A friend just passed…

Most Holy Rosary.

The Desiccated Finger of Fate

I reported to the Johns Hopkins Outpatient Center yesterday for an appointment in the Avon Foundation Breast Center(!). The first thing I saw as I exited the parking structure was…

Chance Card

Shine On, You Crazy Diamonds

In a recent Guardian article about Italian Bishop Domenico Mogavero’s flash new Armani-designed liturgical duds, mention was also made of the Pope’s rumored penchant for Prada footwear. “The Vatican daily…

Serve Man

The Most Dangerous Game

David Holthouse, in Alternet, reports on the twice yearly Machine Gun Shoot in West Point, Kentucky, where he found lots of Nazi t-shirts and books and anti-Muslim paraphernalia for sale, along…