The Family


Ditto Boys

“What they claim, in fact, is innocence.”

Killing the Buddha

The Heavenly BMW

Gawker, where KtB gets all its religion news, reports that police found Zachery Tims, Jr., pastor of New Destiny Christian Center, an 8,000-strong megachurch in Orlando, dead with what appeared…

Killing the Buddha

Files from The Family: The Psychotic and the Spy

The other day I had lunch with a Presbyterian minister who had some minor but firsthand experience with elitist theology of the Family, the avant-garde of American fundamentalism that I’ve…

Killing the Buddha

Mr. Enigma, C Street Defender

Last week, the Wall Street Journal’s online edition asked me to write a short commentary on C Street, one of the subjects of my new book, C Street, and the…

"UFO cloud!" by storymary, via Flickr.

Clouds, When Determined By Context

On the sci-fi roots of modern fundamentalism.

Whom are we praying to again?

Breakfast with The Family

As I watch Obama’s speech at yesterday’s National Prayer Breakfast, I find that many of his words ring true, though not for the reasons he intended. The elephant in that…

Killing the Buddha

Jeff Sharlet and Rev. Sekou Duke It Out

Okay, actually it’s not so much a brass-knuckles match-to-the-death as it is a friendly conversation about the not-so-friendly religious right. And at the Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture, no less.…

Killing the Buddha

How To Did My Boyfriend Back In My Love

In general, it’s a bad idea to use the forum of re How To Did My Boyfriend Back In My Love latively small blogs like this one to argue with…

Killing the Buddha

The Christian Right’s Heart for Africa

I’ll be joining African gay activists on Canada’s morning affairs show, “The Current,” tomorrow morning at 8:30 am eastern to discuss Uganda’s soon-to-be-law “Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009,” which will impose the…

Killing the Buddha

The Aftermath of C Street


Killing the Buddha

Family vs. family, An Open Letter to Congressman Wamp

This morning in the Jackson Sun, weekend editor Jason Tippitt, declares “Congressman Wamp, we have a problem….” You can’t choose your family. But you, congressman, have chosen The Family, and…

Killing the Buddha

“They exploited in us what is great about us”

I’ve been getting a lot of reader mail since my book, The Family, hit the bestseller lists this summer. Most of it is simple, some of it is thoughtful, and…

Killing the Buddha

Bring Us Your Loud, Your Brash, Your Foolish

In response to John D. Boy’s piece, Icons of the New Evangelicalism, this morning, Bruce Illig writes in: Mr. Boy, I think it would be a grave mistake to assume…

Killing the Buddha

The End of the Atheists’ Road

GOP presidential musing is turning toward Governor Mitch Daniels of Indiana. Given the C Street affiliation of two now-former contenders, Senator John Ensign and G Order Cheap Cialis overnor Mark…

Killing the Buddha

Jeff Is on The Daily Show Tonight!

That’s right, KtB’s illustrious co-founder Jeff Sharlet is appearing tonight on the most important show in the universe, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, spreading the word about The Family…

Killing the Buddha

“Real Time With Bill Maher,” Tonight

I’ll be talking about my book The Family tonight on HBO’s “Real Time With Bill Maher.” One of the other guests is MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who through her seven invitations…

Bud Fields in his cotton patch. Hale County, Alabama. Walker Evans, 1935.

A Taste of the Old (New?) World

Emails from my ex-boyfriend rarely include any of his own words. Instead, he forwards messages that originate from another friend of ours without so much as a word of introduction.…

Killing the Buddha

Card Check Religion

In light of the news that Senator Mark Pryor (D, Wal Mart), played the central role in killing the #1 piece of progressive legislation — scrap that, the #1 piece…