Against Literary Transphobia
An early writing mentor told me once that sharing my story will save lives. I believe in the power of words to save lives, but the flipside is their power…
An Open Letter to The Antioch Review
Dear Antioch Review, In your May 5th statement regarding the essay, “The Sacred Androgen: The Transgender Debate” by Daniel Harris, you celebrate an admittedly “deeply offensive” essay for “stirring debate.”…
Whitewashing Stonewall?
In assessing President Obama’s now-famous references to Seneca Falls, Selma, and Stonewall, the Rev. David Weekly, one of the few out trans UMC clergy persons, asked on his blog why…
Out of the Box with Two Spirits
I caught a screening of the documentary Two Spirits while covering the 2012 Philadelphia TransHealth Conference. While the film focuses on the all too common story of yet another teen…