

Fine Homebuilding

On fatherhood and belated grace.

Killing the Buddha

What Would Plato Do for Labor Day?

“Of the painter we say that he will paint reins, and he will paint a bit?” Socrates asks Glaucon in the epilogue to Plato’s Republic. “But does the painter know…

Killing the Buddha

Travel in the Holy Land a No Go

According to the US State Department’s travel warning for Israel, West Bank and Gaza  travelers to the Holy Land can be greet not with signs of peace but further travel…

Killing the Buddha

Card Check Religion

In light of the news that Senator Mark Pryor (D, Wal Mart), played the central role in killing the #1 piece of progressive legislation — scrap that, the #1 piece…

Killing the Buddha

Bring Out Your Dead

“The Man giveth, and The Man taketh away.” So begins JoAnn Wypijewski’s sermonic report on a report, the AFL-CIO’s 18th annual “Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect.” Wypijewski…