
Killing the Buddha

There’s a New Year Every Month

There’s passing in the air. Peter, Paul and Mary are confronted by the truth of their own lyrics. A soldier sings and remembers a fateful Sabbath back in 1944. Ram’s…

"Pop religion sells."

Brand Name Buddhism

For Tet, the Vietnamese New Year, it’s alright to get a little dirty, so long as you know which detergent will get your karma clean.

"This New Year is a time to look carefully at all the missed opportunities, the things we meant to do, but didn’t do in the year we are leaving behind..." (High Holy Days postcard, circa 1915.)

To Pardon All Our Fucking Iniquities

A half-Jew writes her own Yom Kippur prayer.


Vow to Bow

A New Year’s resolution to honor Buddha means good exercise for those who keep it — and bad karma for those who don’t.