Alex Rose
Alex Rose is a co-founding editor of Hotel St. George Press and the author of The Musical Illusionist and Other Tales. His work has appeared in The New York Times, Ploughshares, The Forward, The Believer, The Providence Journal, North American Review, The Reading Room, and on many web zines and popular blogs. His story, "Ostracon," will be included in the 2009 edition of Best American Short Stories. He became an associate editor of Killing the Buddha in 2009.
Recent Posts by Alex
Music for the Crossroads
Oscar Bettison’s O Death: A Requiem Masque for Six Players as out-of-body experience.
Informed Worship
Saint Hildegard and the science of religious experience.
An illicit afternoon hike on a sunny day. What could go wrong? A short story from KtB’s new contributing editor.