

Remember That the Devil Is Quite A Gentleman

There’s a long history of calling people the devil. It doesn’t usually turn out well.

Killing the Buddha

Jesus and Satan Battle Over Women’s Bodies

Hobby Lobby, perhaps my favorite corporate person (pickup line: “Our Hobby is Making Crafts in Your Lobby”) might be up against the Satanic Temple (of proposed Oklahoma City Satanic monument…

Killing the Buddha

Satan Is Real

He’s the only thing real in Utah.

by Maqroll via Flickr

Satan Is Real

He’s the only thing real in Utah.

by Mary Valle

Monumental Satanic Panic

Bad news! New York’s Satanic Temple has drawn up plans for a Satanic monument outside the Oklahoma statehouse, including an “interactive children’s display.” Since the state legislature has allowed a…

ems18 via Flickr

The Preacher

Or, How Ecclesiastes Changed My Life