
Killing the Buddha

Jesus and Satan Battle Over Women’s Bodies

Hobby Lobby, perhaps my favorite corporate person (pickup line: “Our Hobby is Making Crafts in Your Lobby”) might be up against the Satanic Temple (of proposed Oklahoma City Satanic monument…


If A Jewish Girl Falls into the East River…

…does she make a sound?

by muffinbasket, via Flickr

Acts of Faith

I’d think to myself, this time I’ll thank her for taking the leap of faith that led to my birth. But always within a minute of our meeting, she’d say my boots were clunky and I had a bad haircut.

"They said father didn't keep his Life Insurance paid up!"—advertisement for Prudential Insurance Company of America.

Truth-Telling in Vulgaria

Questions for Kathryn Joyce, who bursts the international Christian adoption bubble in her new book, The Child Catchers.

Killing the Buddha

Do Pro-Lifers Have a Prayer?

While the Templeton Foundation and other quasi-scientific-spiritual think tanks fund massive studies exploring the efficacy of prayer, we here at Killing the Buddha would like to offer a simpler and…

candy cane

Jesus! Murder! High-five!

Last Saturday, my daughter and I and our mother-daughter friends Rachel and Ruby enjoyed a lovely tour of the White House, which I have dubbed Crafting Versailles. Everything is perfect…


New Election Strategy: Damnation Threats

I can’t stop watching this Test of Fire video put out by Catholics Called to Witness. It’s a kinda Lord-of-the-Ringish vibed “promo.” Just what is it promoting? Scaring Catholics into…

Scary postcard.

The Bad Old Days

A dear friend who was recently on a family vacation in Wisconsin went above and beyond the call of duty. Way beyond. When she returned, she presented me with a…

Killing the Buddha

Hear Robby George Call Cornel West “My Brother”

On a new Bloggingheads.tv diavlog, Princeton professors Robert P. George (leading Catholic conservative and sex advisor) and Cornel West (supreme lover and taxicab philosopher) find amazing amounts of agreement on…

"Turn Left" by manitoon via Flickr.

What’s Left?

Daniel Schultz parses a political theology.

Montana Plate by Spappy.joneS

Stupaking the States

The latest twists and turns of the abortion debate.


Strong Enough for a Dog

Worried about your pregnant woman when you’re not around? Worry no more. Safe-Rite Products is proud to announce the Preg-Crate! No falling down stairs! No sushi or Diet Coke! No…

Timothy Keller, via Redeemer Seminary

The Big Placebo

Bet you can’t guess what Pastor Timothy Keller thinks Manhattan needs more of.

Killing the Buddha

Abortion Issue: Solved!

Once we’re sufficiently full of plastics reproduction might cease anyway @ @

Killing the Buddha

Baby Stealers

Buddha killer Kathryn Joyce presents a chilling story in this week’s Nation: “Shotgun Adoption,” an investigation of the use of anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centers” to coerce unmarried pregnant women into…