

Jesus Is Just Alright

A crack in Kevlar cynicism reveals a time of tripped out mysterium tremendum in Southern California. A new excerpt from the new KtB collection, Believer, Beware.


Grrr, Aggressive Christianity

Sick of all that stuff about THE MEEK and THE PEACEMAKERS? The utter tepidity of regular churches got you down? Well have I got the new religious movement for you!…

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Austin

The Inquisition

Being voted off the Presbyterian island is no fun, even if it’s only temporary.

Cornel West

The Supreme Love and Revolutionary Funk of Dr. Cornel West, Philosopher of the Blues

(A version of this article first appeared in the May 28, 2009 Rolling Stone.) Cornel West is a slender man, but he hugs like a sumo wrestler: crouch, grab, wrap…

Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney at prayer

The Full Armor of God

Donald Rumsfeld took the LORD’s name in vain.

Killing the Buddha

The Little Servant of God

A new BBC documentary introduces the gospel’s most adorable foot soldier.

Killing the Buddha

U.S. Army Chaplain: “We hunt people for Jesus.”

“Special forces guys, they hunt men, basically. We do the same thing as Christians, we hunt people for Jesus. Hunt ’em down.” That’s Lt. Colonel Gary Hensley, who at the…


Jesus Killed Mohammed

The crusade for a Christian military.

Killing the Buddha

World Communism is Mystery Babylon the Enemy of God!

A delightful pair of letters came from “steve” today. They’re enormous expositions against communism and for the theocratic character of the United States. Needless to say, there are plenty of…

By Gurumustuk Singh via Flicker

Devotion Commotion

The ambivalent state of the acolyte.

Jonathan Rundman

Heartland Liturgy

Rocking out to hymns and ordaining gay pastors: an interview with Lutheran singer-songwriter Jonathan Rundman.


How to Give Alms

Let’s start with some exegesis. Matthew 6:2-4. Go. So whenever you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the…

Killing the Buddha

Not That Kind of Girl

Carlene Bauer does not care for the new biography of Flannery O’ Connor by Brad Gooch: Aquinas is described as having “lofty, lucent prose” — which is like saying Plato…

Adam and Eve

Naked and Guilty

Young Christians encounter sex, violence, and the eros of evangelicalism in a Texas hell house.

From the Times Square Church website

Saving the City, Saving the World

In New York people just know they’re sinners.

Killing the Buddha

25 Random Notes on Ash Wednesday

25 Random Notes on Ash Wednesday I woke up early to my roommate putting away the silverware in the kitchen, then fell back asleep. When I woke up the wooden…

By artlog via Flickr

Ash Wednesday Already

How’s a girl supposed to go about mourning in a world like this?

Killing the Buddha

God Saved the World

They’re not who you’d usually expect to meet at a monastery.